Water treatment plants produce drinking or other water from
a) Springs or
b) Waste water: a project producing water from waste water is more complex than one producing water from a spring or river. It usually has a large waste water treatment section which increases the capital and operating costs or
c) Sea water (desalination). Desalination can be by the use of reverse osmosis or by waste heat typically from a steam generating power station.
Such plants:
• are technically simple.
• produce products usually sold to a captive market;
• do not earn foreign exchange;
• Usually benefit from economies of scale;
• contain significant equipment and material which may need to be imported;
• Are sometimes subject to a joint venture between the public and private sector;
How Promoter handles Water Treatment Projects
The setup wizard gives the user the choice of one of the three main type of water treatment projects above.
Note that for a thermal desalination project using waste heat from a power station, you must set the project up as a power station with desalination.
Typical Project Cash Flows